4 Former U.S. Presidents Who Loved to Paint
Which of these four former U.S. presidents are you most surprised to learn was/is a painter? Are there any “painting presidents” we left out? www.segplayfull.com
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Which of these four former U.S. presidents are you most surprised to learn was/is a painter? Are there any “painting presidents” we left out? www.segplayfull.com
DetailsThroughout history US presidents have found time to exercise their artistic talents while in office and at terms end. United States Presidents have been known to relieve stress by painting. Now you can do the same. Winston Churchill enjoyed painting. Which US president did he influence to paint as stress release?
DetailsThe message of Ostrer’s most recent art exhibit is rather clear: our relationship with junk food is horrifying. If you only know his junk food monsters, you don’t know James Ostrer. Get to know the English photographer better. What do fries, licorice and cream cheese have in common? James Ostrer creates fine art with these diet death traps.
DetailsHumans love junk food. And many of us are addicted to it (which some claim is the food industry’s goal.) When considering this truth, it is safe to say that junk food has changed the face of our culture.
One artist, photographer James Ostrer decided to explore this phenomenon with his latest series, entitled, “Wotsit All About?”
DetailsWorking with small bills all day requires a greater investment of time than dollars. When CBS News asked about the expense of using money as his medium, Wagner said, “The bills aren’t the expensive part of the operation. It’s the time – that’s the expensive part.” In order to contrive pieces of dollar bill that will be repurposed and repositioned in his masterpieces requires an X-acto knife and steady hand. Wagner cuts dollar bills into pieces and then organizes the parts into boxes until he is ready to assemble the collage.
DetailsThe United States was a nation built from the ground up. It began taking shape in the latter half of the 18th century. This is when people started pursuing missions that would create a great society. As a result, 12 hour work days became the backbone of American spirit.
This dedication and determination gained recognition in the late 19th century. Citizens of the United States started celebrating Labor Day in 1882. The idea was adopted from Canada. The North American neighbor began celebrating Labour Day a decade prior.
Until present day, the United States has been consistent in honoring social and economic achievements on the first Monday in September. Most businesses are closed on this day and hardworking American citizens are offered a long weekend. During this time, barbecues and festive parties are the norm. In fact, the United States celebrates Labor Day with the same spirit that fills Fourth of July. www.segmation.com
DetailsWhat comes to mind when thinking of foreign landscapes? Are these far off countries? Or different planets? Do they only exist in fantasy fiction? Or are they birthed from Hollywood magic?
Wherever these landscapes originate, one fact is constant: foreign landscapes inspire creativity. At the heart of art is a cry of curiosity — a desire to explore what lies beyond the world as we understand it. This is why natural disasters, everyday home supplies, and destructible objects are bringing about some of the most creative art pieces to date. www.segmation.com
DetailsEvery country has unique colors that travelers seek and citizens delight in. Plush green hills line Germany. Vibrant reds decorate China. Blue waters surround Greece. White sands dust the United States.
With an endless array of varying shades, it is hard to list the world’s color preferences. Still, every person has an answer to the question, “What is your favorite color.” Therefore, is it too much to ask, “What is the world’s favorite color?” www.segmation.com
DetailsAmerica’s founding fathers faced the tough task of establishing a country and creating a symbol to represent its beliefs. Since start, the American flag has been positioned to embody the nation’s mission and relay its values to others. In its course of existence, the flag has been adopted by new generations and become a beacon…
DetailsLove it or hate it, yellow is here to stay. The color wheel’s brightest shade can be seen on the road every day. Neither cars nor trucks have the unique yellow paint job that belongs to school buses. But how did the yellow school bus come about? And why are school buses still being painted this shade? www.segmation.com
DetailsWhat is beautiful? The term is a bit subjective, don’t you think? After all, isn’t beauty in the eye of the beholder?
It most certainly is, but one undeniable quality about color is its ability to make all things beautiful!
DetailsMany people would agree that sculptures have the perfect combination of beauty, balance, stateliness, and solidity. Rich in art and culture, Chicago has one of the most impressive arrays of sculptures of any location on earth.