Why Red Represents Republicans and Blue Represents Democrats
Have you ever wondered why red represents Republicans and blue represents Democrats? If so, read on. www.segmation.com
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Have you ever wondered why red represents Republicans and blue represents Democrats? If so, read on. www.segmation.com
DetailsWhat is “The Red Effect”?
poppy-1128683_640There really is something to red being connected with love and intimacy. In fact, there is a phenomenon psychologists refer to as “the red effect.” The red effect happens when one wears the color red, whether in cosmetics or clothing, and is perceived as more attractive. www.segmation.com
This list of personality traits could go on and on. One way to discover more about your unique personality traits and how they work together to make you, you is to take a personality test. However, a quicker way to make determinations about your personality is to identify your favorite color. Your favorite color reveals an awful lot about who you are as a person.
DetailsWould you agree that something can’t be truly known until its history is comprehended, at least basically? This is certainly true of people.
DetailsAll of us are familiar with the primary colors, but this post reveals some little-known facts that may surprise you. Did you know that red capes don’t make bulls angry? Bulls are colorblind. Red lining is meant to conceal any bloodstains. With yellow the eye rejoices, heart expands, spirit is cheered and we immediately feel warmed. – Johann von Goethe
DetailsRed means stop and green means go. Now these colors are being used to determine if a human wound is healing or not. Wounds need sufficient amounts of oxygen to fully heal. This “paint-on. It is pretty cool that a translucent, paint-on bandage may change color and help humans heal.
DetailsIt is safe to assume you see images through 3 color sensors. Can you imagine seeing an image through 36 sensors?
Learn about the research leading to a “multispectral imaging system capable of ..[processing].. 36 colour channels.”
If our handheld devices adopt 36 color channels someday, the colors we see onscreen will appear more true to life.
DetailsBeyond the celebration lies the true reason why people gather. The Fourth of July is a time to remember the sacrifices that were made to ensure America’s independence and honor the men and women who keep the country free. To symbolize this reality, the vast majority of Americans fly the American flag for all to see. But what exactly does the American flag mean?
The Fourth of July is a holiday most people understand, but when it comes to the American flag, a larger number of people misinterpret its meaning.
How much do you know about the American flag? Test your knowledge with these trivia questions.
DetailsThe red barn was not intentional, at first. But once farmers started to see the effects of this linseed oil mixture, they seemed to like how the red barn contrasted the traditional white farmhouse. By the time paint made its way onto the scene in the middle to late 1800s, red was a popular shade. It was also the most expensive but farmers didn’t seem to care. Red had become the mark of the barn and many were willing to pay for it. It wasn’t until whitewash became cheaper than red paint that white barns began to appear.
DetailsInterestingly, men don’t have the potential for this color-detecting superpower. That’s because the extra gene is found on the X chromosome, and men have only one of those. Since women have two X chromosomes, there’s a rare possibility (2-3%) that they’ll have two types of red cones on each one.
DetailsThe color red is loud. It makes statements and sends signals. But the impact it has on the world of contemporary art goes beyond trendsetting. People are trading their fortunes for predominately red artwork.
DetailsGet it? Stop and think. The color red conveys different meanings throughout the world. In North America, the color red is used for stop lights and stop signs. It also serves this purpose in other nations in addition to representing personal emotions.