Would You Take Your Pet to a Dog-Friendly Art Exhibition?
On August 19th, an unusual event took place in London: a dog-friendly art exhibition!
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On August 19th, an unusual event took place in London: a dog-friendly art exhibition!
DetailsWhat is it about a garden that is powerfully calming, reassuring, and hope-inspiring? Merely reading about the senses evoked by a garden brings rest and peace. For some, gardening is an outlet for stress relief that is far more powerful than exercise or meditation. For others, a garden provides endless hours of fun. What does gardening mean to you?
DetailsIn a previous blog post, we discussed the benefits of making your own paints, rather than buying commercially-made paints from art supply stores. Two of the most appealing reasons for making your own paints include the ability to control the color and the quantity of the paint that you make. In today’s blog post, we’ll…
DetailsHave you ever considered selling your artwork at an art fair? Outdoor art festivals are a popular way of uniting artists with potential collectors and even gallery owners. At the larger art festivals, attendance can reach 250,000 and higher, which means a lot of eyeballs will have the chance to view your art! If that…
Details[picapp align=”center” wrap=”false” link=”term=paint&iid=310124″ src=”http://view.picapp.com/pictures.photo/image/310124/paintbrush-water-amongst/paintbrush-water-amongst.jpg?size=500&imageId=310124″ width=”380″ height=”254″ /] It is said that the human eye can discern between 1 million and 7 million colors. Do you think you could name them all? Most people can easily identify the 3 primary colors (red, yellow, blue), and the three secondary colors (orange, green and purple), plus white…
Details[picapp align=”center” wrap=”false” link=”term=art+painting&iid=9860838″ src=”http://view.picapp.com/pictures.photo/image/9860838/the-bench-peace/the-bench-peace.jpg?size=500&imageId=9860838″ width=”380″ height=”505″ /] Art can be a powerful vehicle for social change, offering the opportunity for reflection upon pressing issues and social injustices. Through image-making, those who feel powerless are given a voice. One of the most critical, ongoing topics of global concern is the quest for world peace. In…
DetailsHow do you feel when you gaze at a large red Rothko painting, spend time in a room with regal red wallpaper, or see a stop sign? While the color red carries different meanings depending on its context, the body’s biological response is the same: red can raise both your pulse and your blood pressure. …
DetailsWhether you’re shipping your artwork to a gallery or preparing to move your art collection to your new home, your number one priority when transporting art is to make sure that it arrives in perfect condition at its destination. Follow these tips to ensure that your artwork arrives undamaged and ready to display: Wrap paintings,…
DetailsIn Awe of Autumn Patterns Set from Segmation SegPlay® PC (see more details here) Autumn is one of the four annual seasons and ranges (in the Northern Hemisphere) from September 22th to December 21st. The exact times are measured by the Autumn equinox and the Winter solstice. Autumn is associated with many natural events including…
DetailsAn important aspect of creative art marketing is finding new opportunities to exhibit your art. If you are just embarking on your art career, you may encounter difficulty getting into traditional galleries, especially because the current economy is making art galleries less inclined to take on emerging artists with no proven sales record. While participating…
DetailsBeautiful Thanksgiving Scenes to be thankful for. Gooble Gooble! All Ages can enjoy and have fun! Thanksgiving Scenes Patterns Set from Segmation SegPlay® PC (see more details here) Thanksgiving is a traditional holiday in North America, which gives thanks for a bountiful harvest. The festival dates back to the pilgrims in the 1600s celebrating their…
DetailsFREE SegPlay® Art Painting Evaluation for 10 days When we visit famous works of art in renowned museums, we spend our time admiring the paintings, sculptures, and drawings that have inspired humanity for centuries, if not millennia. Rarely do we consider the resources that are necessary to make those works of art available to the…