4 Telltale Signs That You Are an Artist
Deciding whether or not to refer to yourself as an artist is a personal decision. To help you make your decision, here are four clear signs that you are an artist. www.segmation.com
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Deciding whether or not to refer to yourself as an artist is a personal decision. To help you make your decision, here are four clear signs that you are an artist. www.segmation.com
DetailsDid you know that the word ‘ceramics’ is taken from the Greek word ‘keramos’, which means ‘potter’s clay’? (In the world of visual art, there is no difference between ceramics and pottery.) Serious pottery fans are easy to spot — their homes are usually filled with beautiful pieces of ceramics. www.segmation.com
Details“Whereas artists such as Manet and Renoir’s works sexualized females, Morisot perfectly captured the self consciousness of women as they are preparing for an evening out. Morisot’s pictures are modest and reveal women who are not acting a part for men, but are instead focused only on themselves. Through her art she challenged accepted ideas of femininity and revealed the life of 19th-century women the way she experienced it.” — Berthe Morisot Style and Technique (6) www.segmation.com
DetailsItalian High Renaissance artwork has a special place in the hearts of thousands of individuals. Are you a fan of Italian High Renaissance artists, specifically Raphael Sanzio?
DetailsPablo Picasso. That name continues to ring through history. We read about Pablo Picasso in art history textbooks, see him portrayed in film and novels, and hang prints of his artwork on our living room walls. The world loves Picasso, but few individuals know the details of his life. They understand that he was a fantastic artist, but that’s the extent of many people’s knowledge of him.
DetailsAre you against the idea of planning a trip to Paris, the most-visited city in the world? If so, it may be best for you to stop reading this right now. Learning about the best art museums and galleries in the City of Light will definitely make you want to check the price of plane tickets. Here’s just a tiny sampling of the breathtaking art museums and galleries that reside in Paris
DetailsIn today’s world, most children are definitely not being exposed to a sufficient amount of art. Instead, they are staring mindlessly into an iPad screen and watching YouTube, or watching television for hours. What a tragedy. There is nothing inherently wrong with YouTube and television, but there is something very wrong with the absence of art in a child’s (or adult’s) life. These precious souls should be nourished with the rich fare of beautiful, soul-shaping works of art.
DetailsDo you consistently ruin your weight-loss efforts by eating when you’re not hungry? Do you push away the romantic partner whom you hoped for for years? Do you procrastinate on projects you know you must complete in order to get that promotion at work? If so, you are most likely stuck in the prison of self-sabotage. Do you need some artist tips?
DetailsDo you consistently ruin your weight-loss efforts by eating when you’re not hungry? Do you push away the romantic partner whom you hoped for for years? Do you procrastinate on projects you know you must complete in order to get that promotion at work? If so, you are most likely stuck in the prison of self-sabotage. Do you need some artist tips?
DetailsWhat is your favorite piece of artwork? The Mona Lisa? The Last Supper? The Creation of Adam? Starry Night? Whatever it is, it says a whole lot about you. Your favorite work of art reveals more than just your artistic preferences; it bares your soul. The Huffington Post recently published a fascinating article, What Your…
DetailsThere is nothing like a story to captivate the mind and make the imagination run wild. From a person’s earliest age, he or she is told stories at bedtime. Then, when that person is old enough to attend school, he or she is given regular breaks for storytime. When that individual becomes an adult, he…
DetailsAre you an artist? Do you feel the ache deep in your soul to create beautiful and unusual works of art? Do you believe you are not creating the caliber of art that you are “called” to create? If so, take heart. You can tap into your inner creative genius in deceptively simple ways.