Robert Delaunay (1885-1941) was a French artist who founded the Orphism movement known for strong colors and geometric shapes. He is best known for his bold use of color and experiments with tone and depth. He was also labeled a divisionist for his use of large tiles to construct small but symbolic works. Along with fellow artists Metzinger, George Seurat, and Paul Signac, their works are considered part of a Neo-impressionism which started in France. Delaunay’s later works are more abstract with nonfigurative paintings that still had the characteristics of brilliant colors and felt dynamic. Our Robert Delaunay pattern set contains a broad collection of his works showing his most recognized works including Portrait de Metzinger, Tour Eiffel, The Towers of Laon, Color Explosion, Circular Forms, Simultaneous Windows in the City, Endless Rhythm, St. Severin, and Nu à la coiffeuse. Theres also a self portrait of Robert Delaunay.
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