Art Can Heal Your Broken Heart
Have the recent traumas happening around the world diminished your belief in the goodness of humanity? If so, there is a cure for your broken heart: art. > Art Therapy Soothes the Soul
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Have the recent traumas happening around the world diminished your belief in the goodness of humanity? If so, there is a cure for your broken heart: art. > Art Therapy Soothes the Soul
DetailsAre you a fan of fall colors? Is Thanksgiving your favorite holiday to decorate for? If so, you’ll love learning about the meaning behind Thanksgiving’s bountiful colors.
Every holiday has a specific set of colors associated with it. For Thanksgiving, those colors are warm, rich, and comforting.
DetailsAmedeo Modigliani’s life story is tragic, but his art is beautiful. If only it could have been celebrated during his life as it was and is after his death.
DetailsWeird is wonderful. Strange is pretty. I’m pretty strange, and I love it. I hope my brand helps other people get in touch with the beautifully strange things about themselves.
DetailsPablo Picasso. That name continues to ring through history. We read about Pablo Picasso in art history textbooks, see him portrayed in film and novels, and hang prints of his artwork on our living room walls. The world loves Picasso, but few individuals know the details of his life. They understand that he was a fantastic artist, but that’s the extent of many people’s knowledge of him.
DetailsWhat is it about autumn that beckons us to break out the pumpkins and carving knives and create an artistic, fall-themed vignette for a front porch or fireplace? It seems that the moment the leaves begin to change colors, our artistic inner selves are awakened and provoked to create something beautiful for friends, family, and neighbors.
Does the approach of Halloween or the fall season in general make you want to create cozy décor for your home?
DetailsSometimes, artists go through dry spells. In fact, probably every artist has found his or herself in this place at least once. A creative drought isn’t just discouraging; for the professional artist, it can also be financially damaging. After all, how people create quality art that sells when they can’t muster up good creative work? The answer is that they must find inspiration.
DetailsSome of the most revered artists in the history of the world were plein air landscape painters. A few examples include Mary Cassat, Vincent van Gogh, Joaquin Sorolla, Camille Pisasarro, and Claude Monet. Plein air landscape artist Jonathan Pitts is well on his way to greatness. In an exclusive interview, Jonathan gave us a glimpse into his world. Read on to discover it.
DetailsAre you one of those people who used to love to paint-by-numbers on a rainy day (or any day)? Do you remember when paint-by-number was all the rage? Are you currently obsessed with paint-by-number? Or, have you heard of paint-by-number but really aren’t sure what it is? If so, keep reading!
DetailsIt is reassuring to know that people have been creating art throughout the ages, in war and peace, joy and sorrow, riches and poverty, and health as well as illness. Read on to discover three of the oldest works of art/groups of works of art in the history of the world.
DetailsThere’s nothing quite as satisfying as a well-written work of fiction on the topic of historical art. Books like these climb “bestsellers” lists because they appeal to individuals who have a passion for both literature as well as visual art. There are a couple of specific novels that beautifully marry these two forms of art.
DetailsIn times of sorrow, people need art more than ever. Why? Because art is beauty, and beauty heals. Beauty can be a lifeline to those who are despairing.