Can color heal the nervous system? Do different hues have the ability to bring health to the body through the gateway of the eyes?
The answer to these questions is, amazingly, yes. Optometric phototherapy, which heavily relies upon the use of color, has been proven to deliver results to patients. This means that color is not only beautiful, but is also medically useful.
What Is Optometric Phototherapy? How Does It Work?
Syntonics, also known as optometric phototherapy or colored light therapy, is a form of therapy that has been studied formally for over 70 years. According to the College of Syntonic Optometry, syntonics “is the branch of ocular science dealing with the application of selected light frequencies through the eyes.”
To understand syntonics, you must first understand color. Color is not just something lovely to look at; it actually emits physical frequencies, or vibrations. Different colors emit different frequencies. Researchers in the field of vision therapy have discovered what color frequencies, when received through the visual system, treat specific health problems.
Optometric phototherapy is administered via a syntonizer, which is an instrument that resembles a long tube. At the end of the tube is a white-light source, and placed in front of the light source are colored filters. In a typical therapy session, a patient places his or her face onto the wider end of the syntonizer in order to gaze upon the backlit colored lenses for a period of time. In the Brain World index, Syntonics: Colored Light Therapy for Balance, these “certain selected light frequencies applied by way of the eyes…can produce beneficial results in the body.”
The combination of color and light bring about results that are extraordinary.
What Health Issues Can Syntonics Successfully Treat?
Though there is a low level of awareness of syntonics, it remains a highly effective treatment for many different maladies. This under-recognized therapy helps relieve a myriad of health problems, including:
- Seasonal affective disorder (SAD)
- Strabismus (eye turns)
- Convergence insufficiency
- Learning disabilities
- Headaches
- Eyestrain
- Pain
- Inflammation
- Trauma/stress-related issues
- Sensory processing disorder (or sensory integration dysfunction)
- Depression
- Amblyopia (lazy eye)
- Anxiety
Colored Light Therapy Ministers Healing to the Nervous System
Colored light therapy can heal visual problems, but it doesn’t stop there. Because, according to Brain World, syntonics causes balance to be “…restored in the regulatory centers of the body’s nervous system, specifically the sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous systems,” it has the ability to bring peace to a troubled mind. Colored light therapy has been known to be an especially effective treatment for those having an unbalanced nervous system.
Different Colors Treat Different Health Problems
What colors, applied via optometric phototherapy, might help correct your health problems? That is a question that can only be answered by a certified vision therapist. However, the following is a list of health concerns and the corresponding colors that may help resolve them:
- Yellow — Depression, lethargy
- Blue and/or green — Allergies, fatigue, acute illness
- Purple — Migraines
- Red and/or blue — Adrenal problems
Do you suffer with any of the health problems mentioned in this post? Colored light therapy may be a viable, safe, and artful treatment that could be useful in your pursuit of better health.
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Just like sound, which I recently shared about in my post “The Power of Sound ~ The Power of Your Song” -, color and light therapy also emits frequencies, or vibrations, that can have many healing benefits. Read on to learn a little about color therapy and its effects.
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