Are you frequently referred to as an intuitive person? If so, you are all too familiar with the benefits and liabilities that come with that title. On one hand, you probably enjoy your uncanny ability to predict outcomes and know just what to say at any given moment. On the other hand, you may resent being able to constantly pick up on the emotions of those around you. Are you intuitive? Do you consider it to be more a joy or a pain?
Some people aren’t just intuitive; they are also artistic. Combine intuition with artistry and you’ve got something really special.
Kristin Krauss, a Florida-based artist, has always been intuitive. Two of her main gifts, artistry and intuition, began intermingling at a very young age. As her art skills grew, so did her ability to empathize with people and offer wisdom far beyond her years. As a teenager, she had an extremely unique experience in which her two gifts collided in a spectacular way. Segmation recently had the pleasure of interviewing Kristin and hearing firsthand about her experience. Read on to discover it for yourself.
Segmation’s Exclusive Interview with Intuitive Artist Kristin Krauss
Are you intuitive? Do you consider it to be more a joy or a pain?
Some people aren’t just intuitive; they are also artistic. Combine intuition with artistry and you’ve got something really special.
Q) At what age did you begin creating art? Did your parents nurture your gift? How?
A) I was probably only three or four years old when I began to draw little figures, particularly princesses and mermaids. They encouraged me by giving me the necessary materials and time, and also with verbal praise. My grandmother was an artist, so she was also encouraging.
Q) Tell us about your formal education in art. (Where did you attend college? Which art classes were your favorites? Which were the most challenging? If you could go back, would you have majored in art or in something else?)
A) I attended Palm Beach Atlantic University where I majored in Studio Art. My focus was in painting. I loved my painting classes, but was surprised at how much I enjoyed all of the art history. Metal work was challenging, I had very little previous experience and I injured my hand pretty badly attempting to wield. I’ve been out of school now for 7 years, and at times I did regret my choice of major. I now see it as an asset because although I don’t work directly in the field, I think many employers appreciate a creative background. Out-of-the-box thinking is almost always needed in any profession!
Q) What art teacher have you learned most from? What did he or she teach you that you will never forget?
A) Professor James Craft was excellent at teaching the fundamentals of composition, design and color. Those skills won’t ever leave me.
Q) What type of art are you best at creating? Is it intuitive?
A) I’ve had the most experience in drawing, so I would say it is where I most excel. Realism is more my style.
Q) When you were a teenager, you created a piece of art depicting a baby boy. Years later, you adopted a baby that strongly resembled the child. Tell us about this amazing experience. Was it emotional? At what point did you realize your son looked like the picture you created so many years earlier? What were you thinking when you first created the picture?
A) I was about 17 when I created that piece. I modeled it after a baby in a Gap ad, and there were multiple faces to choose from. That just happened to be the one that drew me in! Over 10 years later, I was holding my son in a front carrier staring down into his face, and something about his expression brought the drawing to mind. It was very surprising, and although there isn’t an exact likeness, I felt like it was some type of confirmation from God that I was given the perfect child for me. I am white, so to be drawn to a child that looks nothing like yourself is somewhat unusual.
Q) You are a strong advocate for adoption. Have you ever considered using your art in a way that promotes that cause? If so, how?
A) I’m drawn to the idea of depicting transracial adoption in art. The variety of skin tones would create a really interesting pallet to work with, showing that a family can be equally as beautiful even if they don’t “match.”
Q) What is your favorite color?
A) I love orange. It’s optimistic and versatile.
Q) Imagine that someone walked into a room filled with the art you have created so far. After a few minutes, they were asked to write down 5 words describing you, the artist. What do you think the words would be? What 5 words do you personally think best describe you?
A) I think the five words they would come up with would be peaceful, organic, effortless, optimistic, and strong. I would describe myself as disciplined, perceptive, strong, sensitive, and nurturing.
After reading a little about Kristin and seeing a few photos of her art, what 5 words would you use to describe her? Leave a comment in the section below and let us know. Also, please leave a comment that includes your email address if you have a question or commission for this unique artist, and we will ask her to contact you.
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