Image courtesy of pixabay.com
When you are sick, what do you do? If you feel bad enough, you probably go to the doctor. Thankfully, in many parts of the world there is a plethora of excellent and effective treatments for illnesses of all kinds. More and more, alternative therapies such as massage, acupuncture, acupressure, and holistic medicine are becoming popular in the West. Most people have at least heard of these therapies. However, the majority of individuals are unaware of the healing properties of color.
Wait…Color Has the Potential to Heal the Body and Mind?
Have you ever heard of color therapy? If not, here’s a great definition from the article Color Therapy and Healing – An Introduction: “Color therapy and healing (also known as chromotherapy or light therapy) is a type of holistic healing that uses the visible spectrum of light and color to affect a person’s mood and physical or mental health. Each color falls into a specific frequency and vibration, which many believe contribute to specific properties that can be used to affect the energy and frequencies within our bodies.” Color therapy may help emotional problems/mood issues in particular, but, according to http://www.holistic-online.com/, it may also be helpful to those dealing with the following health concerns:
~ Allergies
~ Anemia
~ Anxiety
~ Arthritis
~ Asthma
~ Depression
~ High Blood Pressure
~ HIV and AIDS
~ Hyperactivity
~ Insomnia
~ Low Blood Pressure
~ Migraine
~ Nausea and Vomiting
~ Neuralgia
~ Obsession
~ Stress

Image courtesy of pixabay.com
Green: the Color of Balance
Since different colors have different frequencies, it makes sense that they have unique healing functions. It seems that green is a hue that is especially healing to the emotions. The article mentioned above says, “Green is another color that may be used to relax people who are emotionally unbalanced.” The article Green: the Colour confirms that green is excellent for balancing the emotions. It states, “Green is the colour of balance and harmony and can, therefore, be helpful in times of stress. If one has experienced a trauma, a green silk wrapped around the shoulders can have a very therapeutic effect.”
Practical Ways to Use Color to Heal Yourself
If you can’t get professional color therapy, there are some practical things you can do to use color to promote healing and foster a better quality of life. First, do a little research and find out what colors may help to resolve your specific health concerns. Then, repaint one, two, or many rooms in your house accordingly. Another way to integrate color therapy into your life is to spend more time outdoors. Nature is loaded with incredible colors that are good for the body and the soul.
Here at Segmation, we are fascinated with color. We are consistently amazed at the ways color enriches lives. It lifts the mood, and apparently ministers healing to troubled bodies. No doubt there will be many more findings in the future about the incredible abilities of color. We can’t wait to discover what they are.
Note: This blog post provides general information and discussion about color therapy and its reported effects upon illness/the human body. The words in this article, and in any linked materials, are by no means intended to be construed as medical advice. If a reader has a medical concern, he or she should consult with a licensed healthcare provider.
Read more Segmation blog posts about color:
The Color Red: Symbolism and Folklore of the Amorous Hue
What Is Pantone’s Color of the Year for 2016?
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