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Flowers and plants peppered Medieval art pieces. What’s more, each flower and plant had a specific meaning. Most people alive during this period of history were illiterate, so artists used plants and flowers in their works of arts to communicate with their audience. Floral motifs, which mark this period of art history, are rich in symbolism. www.segmation.com
Any knowledgeable gardener will let you know that how you take care of your roses in spring will determine their health a few months down the road. A little know-how and TLC will ensure a gorgeous summer garden, whereas floral neglect can result in a barren rosebed. Thankfully, it doesn’t take too much effort to prepare your roses in spring for hearty summer blooming.
What is it about a garden that is powerfully calming, reassuring, and hope-inspiring? Merely reading about the senses evoked by a garden brings rest and peace. For some, gardening is an outlet for stress relief that is far more powerful than exercise or meditation. For others, a garden provides endless hours of fun. What does gardening mean to you?
Nature is readying itself as the fullness of Spring approaches; should our homes be any different? With just a few minor changes, your home can rival the beauty of any Spring flower. Consider the following ways to ready your home for Spring.
Discover what flowers may be most meaningful to your loved ones on a special occasion or just an ordinary day. The mere sight of flowers can soothe frazzled emotions, stoke the fires of new love, and rekindle feelings of hope. Before you choose a type of flower to give to your loved one, ask yourself what you’d like to communicate.
Flowers come in all shapes and sizes, literally. From sunflowers, which can grow beyond 12 feet tall to trailing calibrachoas, which are best hung, you will be able to choose the perfect flowers to make your scenery complete. There are no wrong flowers to pick when planning a garden, but there are some colorful choices Segmation is excited to see this season.
Sunflowers are Summer’s GloryAre you enjoying the act of gardening this summer? Do you like to water plants, till soil, and watch flowers sway with a warm breeze? What does your garden have growing in it this time of year?
Sunflowers are a main attraction in many yards. Helianthus (as they are scientifically known) seem to catch everyone’s attention. They are popular because of their unique appeal. The flower is commonly associated with happiness because of its unusual height and brilliant color.
The tallest growing flower, with potential of reaching between 8 and 13 feet, is a summer favorite in North America and throughout the world.
What color of roses communicates romantic love? Red, just as you probably guessed. Traditionally, red roses have symbolized passion, energy, and deep love. Red roses are best reserved for communicating intimate, romantic love. Given to someone you see in a platonic light, red roses could send a message you don’t intend, so be careful who you gift this type of flower to!