The Whole (Art) World in the Palm of Your Hand
On a scale of one to ten – ten being the most – how much of your world is consumed by art? Segmation brings digital paint-by-number patterns to the digital devices of art enthusiasts.
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On a scale of one to ten – ten being the most – how much of your world is consumed by art? Segmation brings digital paint-by-number patterns to the digital devices of art enthusiasts.
DetailsA sense of peace echoed in Franz Marc’s paintings. However, the serenity infused into his artwork did not come from the vibrant colors he used or the subject matter (mostly animals) he featured. His masterpieces had a place in the Expressionist movement because they revered the wisdom of artists who came before him and leveraged the collaboration of fellow artists from his era.
DetailsCreativity is finally being rewarded in the way (starving) artists have long deserved. What business should implement art next? What art practice has the potential to become the next big business?
DetailsThis is really neat. Have you tried doing paper quilling as well?
Paper Quilling: is it a craft project? Is it an art form? Is it enjoyed by adults or children? Is it any surprise that paper quilling, a favorite craft for artsy people of all ages, has been around for hundreds of years? Seoul-based artist Ilhwa Kim seems to have modernized paper quilling.
DetailsIf a picture is worth a thousand words, a political cartoon could be considered a lengthy editorial. Once upon a time political cartoons were vital to the consumption of information by society at large. When words are plentiful but facts are fleeting, political cartoons disrupt mundane content and evoke curiosity.
DetailsArt is saving the lives of animals. Have you ever heard of elephant art? Elephant art never involves their ivory tusks. Throughout the world elephants are being poached for their tusks. Will art save the elephants? Embrace the art that comes from elephants and share the art elephants create.
DetailsPainting served as more than a form of expression for Bernard. The French artist believed that technique was less important than clear portrayal of the idea. When an idea was portrayed clearly, Bernard might have said, truth could be found. More so, he felt a simplified approach to art allowed him to visibly express the invisible. For instance, when painting natural landscapes, he put effort into conveying the sensations he experienced rather than creating an accurate depiction of the scenery.
“There I was expressing myself more, it was me that I was describing, although I was in front of the nature. There was an invisible meaning under the mute shape of exteriority.” – Émile Bernard
DetailsBlue is a color of speculation; the color means different things to different people. What does blue mean to you? Knowing the history of the color blue can help us understand how this color influences the world we live in today.
Do you have a strong connection to the color blue? If so, what shade speaks to you? And how do you use this color to brighten up your world?
DetailsMany artists leveraged their disabilities, using them as tools to guide their distinct style and career, “Most artists who found out they were color blind just switched to printmaking or sculpture.” When you look at a piece of artwork, do you wonder if the artist had a vision disability?
DetailsThe animal kingdom is alive and well b/c different species know how to change colors, adjust to their surroundings. Animals use color to attract mates, and, in effect, prolong the existence of their species. Did you know baby flamingos are gray while adults are pink because their diet includes foods filled with carotenoids?
DetailsThe message of Ostrer’s most recent art exhibit is rather clear: our relationship with junk food is horrifying. If you only know his junk food monsters, you don’t know James Ostrer. Get to know the English photographer better. What do fries, licorice and cream cheese have in common? James Ostrer creates fine art with these diet death traps.